This just in...the most beautiful baby in the world has offically graced the planet with her presence. For years scientists and mothers alike have claimed that their off spring is the most beautiful baby. Generations have passed away with debates and unanswered questions as to who really takes the cake . Well, the debate has come to an end. The votes are in and the scientific world has confirmed that the world's most beautiful child was born Wednesday October 8, 2008 at 9:45 pm. Mary Jo Cook weighed 7 pounds 3 ozs and was 19 inches of absolute perfection. A lovely crop of dark brown hair stands on end. Researchers wept with pure angelic joy at the sight of such flawless effort of grace and beauty! Her mother known only has the balooga whale due to unprecedented amounts of lard gained during pregnancy, commented only that she "knew that Mary Jo was destined for greatness even at such an early age." Mary Jo has yet to be seen in the public eye due to the blinding force of the love she generates but the press was allowed these few photos. They only give you a glimpse at her true magesty. -NBC NEWS, WASHINGTON
So here is the little masterpiece that I have been working on for about a hundred years. It was finished just in time. It is a closet...everyone said it wouldn't work. HA!! It's perfect. I'm so excited for her to start using it!
So Jared is 3....a couple months ago, but we finally got the pics on to our computer. So here we are. As you can see all of Jared's gorgoeus locks are cut short to reveal a great round head inherited from his mum. Jared cut his own hair and we had to shave his head. SOMETHING I WILL NEVER DO AGAIN!! Anywho, Jared is all about the trains right now. Train everything. So for his birthday we did a train theme. I even got creative and made blue train pancakes for breakfast but I wil spare your stomachs and not show you a pic. blah. After breakfast we had a wild party at the union station where jared got to look at a bunch of trains up close and personal! It was slightly exhaustiung so we all went home and took a nap!! That is when the real party started. Oh for those who don't know, Jared broke his collarbone two weeks before his birthday. Happy birthday Jare-bear. He was "supposed" to be taking a nap at grandmas house, but was jumping on the bed instead. Well, you know how cordinated 3 year olds are. All of the sudden we hear this hard thud!!! and a very high pitched scream. We go running back there and jared was laying on the floor still as a board crying. Now, if you have met my father you understand that he has the biggest heart in the world. You also know that sometimes, he gets a little overexcited. Well seeing his grandson on the floor jump kicked his big heart which, by coincidence, is connected to his take-it-to-another-level button. That pulls down the save-my-grandson-at-any-cost lever, which in turn opens the floodgate we like to call dad-really-red-in-the-face-yelling-for-an-ambulance. He stood over Jared yelling orders for immediate action whilst the rest of us stood there like cows with our mouths full of straw. Needless to say this threw Jared into histericks and he started sobbing even harder. but let's be fair Grandpa knew what he was talking baout. We got Jared to the hospital and amid screams of terror and absolute exhaustion we were able to get some x-rays. Sure enought it was broken. Jared is all better now but we had a loing couple weeks!!!
So Amy, you sexy woman, put up a song about Nebraska and asked that we do the same about our hometown States... Here Goes nothing! My Song comes from the "This is the Night" from Lady and the Tramp Oh this is the Place Lots of dust in my Face From the dry wind of desert mountains
You can ski in the snow but we are way too Poo"w" So we stick to rock climbing mountains
Side by side through construction Our car can barely squeeze The view is always very pretty With a temple in EVERY city!
This is the Place Beating traffic is a race Cuz our home is beneath the mountains
Our lawns are all brown Since all water left town Gotta love the drought from the mountains
Every once in a while I come across a book that is really astonishing. This is one of those books. I just finished reading it and find myself looking at reading it again. It is a big strawberry milkshake for the soul. I adored it. It talks about a nurses journey to through a really revolutionary time period in the medical field. It is a treasure trove of delicious baby birthing stories that will make you laugh, think, sigh and sob. Oh it is sooo yummy. I recommend this book to EVERYONE! Also since I plan on birthing my baby at home I wanted my family to see just why I chose to completely push out the hospital as a part of my pregnancy and delivery. So if you are one of the members of my family scratching your head at my decision here is an opportunity for you to kinda get an idea of why I choose a natural birth. It's REALLLY GOOOOD even if you are a major advocate of a delivery with complete medical procedure. I hope that you guys will read this.
The Legacy continues in the smallest of the cook menfolk. I found this tonight and couldn't resist putting it up even though it is five months old. Jared really displays the strength and power that only a "SUPER" guy can posses. We went to a trunk-or-treat with Grandma and picked of loads of candy!!!! ALL FOR JARED.....hehehe... and then watched corpse bride and had pizza. Wild night! One of our best. For those who don't know Aaron's true nature, the outfit Jared is wearing is an exact replica of Aaron's crime fighting days. From Goggles to socks Jared reflects the man that is just dying to get out from behind Aaron's grown-up facade. If you look around Jared's neck there is indeed a picture of Aaron striking a pose that can only be described as Magnificent. (For all men out there reading this let this be a warning. Your women will swoon at the sight of this Hunky Stance so I suggest you cover their eyes. It is not for the faint of heart!)
Next to my studdly son is another hero that graced the Trunk-or-treat with crime fighting courage. Superman swooped in to have a contest with little Superguy. "How many pieces of candy can you stuff in your mouth before mom catches you"... It was a tie!
All in all an evening of super strength and super cavities. Heaven Bless HALLOWEEN!
SOOOOOooooo Sorry but we have been dreadful busy with life. I guess it's important for me to let my fam and friends know that I"m having a baby! Yipeeeee!!! We are shooting for pink. Okay, let me rephrase that! We are COMPLETELY FOCUSED on pink! As far as I'm concerned it is the only option. If it's a blue I will tell them to put it back and let it cook longer. YEAHHHHh babies babies babies. Totally thrilled. Yup life is dandy Um, Aaron's kind of excited.....
Hahaha just kidding. Aaron is excited too. But wouldn't ya know it, it was a total surprise. We weren't planning on trying again till the fall. I blame this one on James. If I hadn't gone to Disneyland then Aaron wouldn't have missed me so much!