The Legacy continues in the smallest of the cook menfolk. I found this tonight and couldn't resist putting it up even though it is five months old. Jared really displays the strength and power that only a "SUPER" guy can posses. We went to a trunk-or-treat with Grandma and picked of loads of candy!!!! ALL FOR JARED.....hehehe... and then watched corpse bride and had pizza. Wild night! One of our best. For those who don't know Aaron's true nature, the outfit Jared is wearing is an exact replica of Aaron's crime fighting days. From Goggles to socks Jared reflects the man that is just dying to get out from behind Aaron's grown-up facade. If you look around Jared's neck there is indeed a picture of Aaron striking a pose that can only be described as Magnificent. (For all men out there reading this let this be a warning. Your women will swoon at the sight of this Hunky Stance so I suggest you cover their eyes. It is not for the faint of heart!)
Next to my studdly son is another hero that graced the Trunk-or-treat with crime fighting courage. Superman swooped in to have a contest with little Superguy. "How many pieces of candy can you stuff in your mouth before mom catches you"... It was a tie!
All in all an evening of super strength and super cavities. Heaven Bless HALLOWEEN!