April 17, 2008

In repsonse to Amy!!

So Amy, you sexy woman, put up a song about Nebraska and asked that we do the same about our hometown States...
Here Goes nothing!
My Song comes from the "This is the Night" from Lady and the Tramp

Oh this is the Place
Lots of dust in my Face
From the dry wind of desert mountains

You can ski in the snow
but we are way too Poo"w"
So we stick to rock climbing mountains

Side by side through construction
Our car can barely squeeze
The view is always very pretty
With a temple in EVERY city!


This is the Place
Beating traffic is a race
Cuz our home is beneath the mountains

Our lawns are all brown
Since all water left town
Gotta love the drought from the mountains

Oh our LOVELY.....Desert....Mou..ow..ow.ntains...!!!!

1 comment:

amynewby said...

I LOVE it Heath! :)
"Side by side through construction
Our car can barely squeeze"
that is awesome! lol